Are you proud of your writing?

The winter quarter is wrapping up which means you might have turned or will be turning in papers, creative work, and projects for many of your English courses.

Has your professor told you that you did an amazing job?

Did you impress yourself with what you accomplished?

Do you have a body of writing that you’re proud of?


Consider submitting your work to the Fourth Annual DePaul Spring English Conference–the deadline is April 2nd! This deadline falls on the Tuesday after spring break and the first week of spring quarter classes. Check out DePaul’s ExLibris for the 2013 Submission Guidelines.

CFP flyer

We are proud to announce that Rita Leganski will be the keynote speaker at this year’s Spring English Conference on May 3, 2013, in Arts & Letters Hall. The keynote speech will begin at 7:00 p.m.

Leganski is a 2009 graduate of DePaul’s MAWP program, and this February she celebrated the release of her first novel, The Silence of Bonaventure Arrow, a magical realist tale in the Southern Gothic tradition, which began simply as a short story in Dan Stolar’s fiction class. We are honored to have Leganski speak at the conference, and we hope her presence encourages participation in this DePaul English student-run event.

Pick up a copy of Leganski’s work this break if you’re looking for something new to read!